
February 22, 2013


Took off in a new direction a few days ago and haven't looked back. There's still a decent amount of work to do before the deadline, but I think I'm in a good position to have things finished on time if not a couple days early. Sadly I don't think I'll be hitting my personal deadline of Feb 25 as I've got shifts for the next few days, and usually spend and free time I have on the weekend with my lovely wife. I'll try to squeeze in a couple hours each day, but I don't know if that will be enough to get me all the way to the end. I'm not discouraged though, quite the opposite. I'm having a blasty-blast painting away and coming up with new details and idea to test out. I think if I was really in a rush I could hammer things out in short order, but I see no need to hurry this piece along as it's been a great learning experience and I don't really want it to end.

Here's a few of the steps that I took along the way here...

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