
August 8, 2011

Request #1

Kinda busy with wedding stuff at the moment, so I'm a little behind, but I should be able to catch up pretty quickly here.

First up is a landscape for Neil. I'm limiting myself to ~an hour for these sketches, so I wasn't able to do a whole lot with this piece, but considering I do so few environments (not to mention digital paintings) I think this turned out pretty well. Unfortunately there's no physical drawing of this, so I won't be able to send anything to Neil. I'll have to keep that in mind next time I plan one of these out...

Had a lot of fun with this, thanks a ton for the suggestion Neil, hope there's many more where this came from!


  1. Looking good my friend! I would limit your values in either the sun or the reflection and choose only one to be the focal point. That way they won't compete and will have a stronger impact. Great separation of planes though, you're getting the hang of it!
